

I've been nominated for a teaching award

I've been fortunate to be nominated for a few teaching awards over my career, and even to win a couple. The nomination I just received may be the best.

As a new student at the uni, Philip Wadler was the first introductory lecture I had, and his clear passion for the subject made me feel excited to begin my journey in computer science. In particular he emphasised the importance of asking questions, which made the idea of tutorials and lectures a lot less intimidating, and went on to give really valuable advice for starting university. I enjoyed this session so much, and so was looking forward to the guest lectures he was going to do for Inf1A at the end of semester 1. They certainly did not disappoint, the content he covered was engaging, interesting, and above all very entertaining to listen to, especially when he dressed up as a superhero to cement his point. Because I found these talks so rewarding, I also attended the STMU that he spoke at about AI and ChatGPT, and everyone I talked to after the event said they had a really good time whilst also having a completely new insightful perspective on the topic. In summary, Philip Wadler has delivered the best lectures I have attended since starting university, and I have gotten a lot out of them.

Thank you, anonymous first-year student! 

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